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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to Dogmo. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy will inform you about how we handle your personal data when you use our service, your privacy rights, and how the law protects you.

2. Data We Collect

Dog Groomers: We collect the following information from dog groomers:

Dog Owners: We collect the following information:

User Journey: We collect non-personalized data on user interactions with our app, purely for analytics purposes.

3. How We Use Your Data

The data is primarily used to facilitate bookings on our platform. We do not share your data with third parties and do not use the data for automated decision-making or profiling.

4. Data Storage and Protection

Your data is securely stored with cloud storage providers, such as AWS. We have implemented security measures to restrict access to your data, limiting it to key individuals within our business.

5. User Rights and Choices

Users can access, update, or delete their data via the online portal. Users also have the right to opt out of any marketing communications we may send.

6. Data Retention

We will retain user data until the user decides to delete it via the online portal or when we decide to terminate inactive accounts. We have automated scripts that identify and delete unused data to ensure the protection of user information.

7. Third-Party Links

Our platform does not contain links to third-party sites or services.

8. Minors

While our platform does not enforce an age limit, we only collect data from businesses and customers with pets. We do not knowingly collect data from minors.

9. Updates to this Policy

Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be notified to users via the email address on file.

10. Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

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Built with love by Daramac LTD